Wine Shop
Alter Ego De Palmer 2020 (6.0L)
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Critic Scores, Reviews & Descriptions
93 DE / 17+ JR
Chocolate shavings and smoked coffee bean on the nose, it's a vintage where you can't get away from the tannins, but here they have sinew and juice, like the best translation of the tannins in the year. This has real purity of fruit (very low SO2 addition at Palmer), together with the gourmet touch that you want in Alter Ego. 45% of overall production. 3.73pH. Survived mildew better than in 2018 because of experience in dealing with the conditions. August 15 to 29 for the harvest. A yield of 31hl/ha. - Jane Anson, Decanter
50% Cabernet Sauvignon, 46% Merlot, 4% Petit Verdot. Cask sample.
Very much in the Alter Ego mould – lively, fruit-driven with that vineyard-fresh feel but with a little more structure than previous years. Pure and appetising but will age. - James Lawther MW, Jancis Robinson .com