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Heritage de Chasse Spleen 2008 (750ML)

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The history and evolution of a vineyard through inheritances, purchases, regroupings of lands, can lead to the association of several AOC (Protected Designations of Origins, i.e. PDOs) within the same estate. Chasse-Spleen having seen the light of day before the AOC notion even existed, nowadays some of its plots do not belong to the same appellation.
Today, we own a dozen hectares under the haut-médoc appellation of origins. The INAO (French national institute for origins and quality) recognises the notion of organization into a hierarchy for the Médoc AOC. This means that every single wine produced in haut-médoc and in communal appellations (Saint Estèphe, Pauillac, Sain-Julien, Moulis, Margaux), is before all else, a haut-médoc wine, while the opposite is not necessarily true. Only the plots that produce exclusively within these demarcated appellations may claim the communal AOC.

Héritage de Chasse-Spleen being so successful, and so as to satisfy trade markets and to meet our selection policy, we are now led to remind everyone that some Moulis plots can lawfully also claim their haut-médoc appellation. This way, an average of twenty hectares of haut-médoc land produces Héritage de Chasse-Spleen. At first known as Ermitage de Chasse Spleen, this wine had to be given a new name in 2000 because of homonymy reasons. After a birth under the best auspices while inheriting all the care brought to its magnificent senior, this new name seemed very much appropriate to us.

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